How to grow hair
The ability to completely change the hairstyle quickly and without negative consequences for your own hair makes the procedure of extension more and more popular. If only 10-15 years ago only a few of the most courageous fashionistas who were eager to try out all the novelties in the field of hairdressing were hairstyling, today almost one fourth of the clients of beauty salons tried this method of correcting their hair.
But hair extension procedure - This is a medal with two sides, and before you decide on its implementation, you need to learn the basic rules for choosing hair for extension and how to fix it.
Types of hair used for extension
Strands for extension can be both natural (they are often called donor) and artificial. The latter are used only to create the cheapest hairstyles, and professionals prefer not to use them at all, as they can cause rather strong allergic reactions.
Natural strands are classified according to their region of origin. Today, the following types of donor hair are distinguished:
Asian Their suppliers are most often China, Korea, Vietnam and other countries in the region. Distinctive features of such hair are, firstly, low price, and secondly, low quality. It is almost impossible to make an extension that will serve its owner for several months with the help of Asian hair - their structure is such that after a few shampooing procedures they lose their shape, do not comb well and create problems when styling and modeling hairstyles.
Indian Their structure and quality is slightly better than that of Asian ones, but in general, there is no need to talk about the existence of dramatic differences between these two types of hair.
Slavic. Very soft, high-quality and easy-to-care, donor strands of Slavic origin are highly valued by hairdressers from around the world. Extension with this type of hair allows you to create a long-lasting (up to three months) attractive and completely natural hairstyle, the appearance of which will not deteriorate after using detergents or styling products.
European. As well as the Slavic ones, they have an excellent structure, they lend themselves well to styling and completely coincide in density and texture with the natural hair of the inhabitants of Russia. But due to the fact that the amount of available donor material is very limited, the cost of European hair is very high.
The best options for high-quality hair extensions are Slavic or European hair - if used, you can guarantee the absence of such unpleasant phenomena as tangled strands, an artificial look hairstyle and the inability to create complex hairstyles.
Features of different types of hair extensions
Extension - the procedure is completely harmless and does not harm natural hair in the vast majority of cases. But, nevertheless, it is worth bearing in mind that not every method of attaching donor strands will work for some types of hair.
Thin hair
If thin hair is perfectly healthy, then there are no specific contraindications for the extension. But you need to be careful when choosing the method of carrying out the procedure - thin hair can not withstand the weight of thick strands, fixed with metal clips or a keratin capsule. The best option in this case would be tape building , because it reduces the load on natural strands due to the fact that the weight of one tape is distributed by 3-4 centimeters.
Damaged hair
In this case, extensions are also possible, but only after prior hair treatment. The optimal combination is considered phytolamination or keratin recovery structure followed by tape or keratin buildup . Extension with the help of metal clips to damaged hair is contraindicated, as there is a risk to increase the fragility and cross section of the tips.
Wavy hair
In this case, you can go two ways - either previously straighten your own hair and continue to grow straight strands, or to preserve the shape of natural curls, choosing donor curls to build up. To make the hairstyle look natural, for building it is worthwhile to dwell on Slavic wavy hair - they look natural, and when changing wet weather or wind they retain the shape inherent in natural curls. Therefore, even in bad weather, the hairstyle will not look artificial.
Hair extensions are a safe procedure that will help you realize the dream of long curls in just a few hours. But in order for the new hairstyle to bring only joy, you need to very carefully select the type and method of extension and get advice from a professional stylist.
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